28 Temmuz 2013 Pazar

Slavery Convention

Slavery Convention
This agreement shall be concluded between the parties on the undersigned ______________.

This agreement will be read aloud to her mistress after the slave before signing and signed once the slave / she will not be terminated by the called party bitch.


Although not legally binding for this contract to be named said that with that slave owners .................. / bitch she will be called in absolute ............. Accordingly geçerlidir.b contracts with independent management of the two sides, especially the slave / slut has concluded its own accord.

The purpose of the contract,

The owner and the slave / slut expectations, tasks and duties and responsibilities under the regulations by signing contracts eder.işb purpose, I, ..............., has a healthy body and soul with my own free will and consent I offer to Mr. .................. slavery. When the mistress of this agreement is deemed necessary ediyorum.b accept the submission to third parties by contract owners, slaves with the owner / bitch was entered into by mutual dislike of each other. Slave / slut, owner's slave / slut from like the slave / slut good and obedient slave / slut is bound to occur, and knows that its the only therefore interested and in this sense, will continue to be like the owners and agrees to act in such a way that it will increase and the task is not. Slave on the repeated failure to behave as expected from him / bitch falls through the eyes of the owner and the owner's slave / slut will be banned from being privileges.

Terms of Agreement:

1. Slave / the right of appeal and no bitch is never in any way.

2. Slave / bitch, completely and will obey her mistress with all the effort and to dedicate himself to the owner's tastes and desires. Slave / bitch will waive all rights to their tastes and serving comfort; so far that his own pleasure and comfort, will have a size and shape that allow only the owner. Slave / slut, will strive to learn the preferences and tastes of the owner and will move in their direction.

3. The owners, slaves for their own actions / full responsibility for the top, and in particular slave bitch / whore who is alive and physically and spiritual care to stay healthy. Slave / slut, when the owner of the behavior of his real and serious danger to damage occurs mistress is obliged to report the situation. Slave / slut however, accept the last word in such cases is still belonged to her mistress. With slave / slut would punish such warnings in such matters as pronounced with respect and slave / slut agrees to listen in good faith. Have, to engage in action that leads to results that require external intervention.

4. Slave / bitch, body, always ready to keep the use of the owner as requested. Slave / bitch will always pay attention to physical cleanliness. Slave / slut, always wear clothing and accessories, and so he ordered the owner he wants and he will agree to stay that way.

5. Slave / bitch task mistress is pleasant to drive and keep it where appropriate. For this purpose, the slave / slut will quickly descended without any order or warning when left alone with her mistress. Slave / bitch, next to the mistress natural state, taking as long as other orders, when they are alone and as far as possible, completely naked.

6. Slave / bitch owner's body could feel pain when used for single-sided pleasure slaves / bitch knows and accepts it willingly for the happiness of the owner.

7. The slave / slut, a better slave / slut by the owner to be trained in His will and often as it sees fit and to know how to effectively discipline and accepts.

8. Slave / bitch agrees to allow a discharge unless the owner. Unauthorized discharges punishable by owner. With slave / when requested discharge slave whore / slut to cum immediately as desired by satisfying himself as desired.

9. Slave / bitch, you know that depending on the mistress of all kinds of freedom and accepts. In this context, the slave / slut, submissive and handcuffed in ways that favored the owner, or agrees to be banned from connecting physical liberty in other ways.

10. The slave / slut main reason for the existence next to the owner, slave mistress / prostitute and Him is to serve as entertain and demonstrate its commitment to obey any instructions and orders. However, the slave / slut, be extended to other prostitution can be built by the owner and knows and accepts it. Another to kullandırılırk or prostitution planned, slave / any choice has no right to bitch or rejection, and will fulfill the expectations placed on him. With slave / slave whore else to kullandırırk / bitch is responsible for the health.

11. The slave / slut accepts responsibility for the use of a safety word or safety action is required. _______________________ As a safety word, it was decided as a safety movement is _____________________________________. Have, when the word is pronounced safety or the safety movement to perform activities that are stopping and changing when he agrees to give up the activity or that activity or continue what action; This decision belongs to her mistress slave / slut agrees. Slave / slut, safety word or safety action is really necessary, and undertakes not to use outside of unnecessary or malicious user knows that severely punished.

12. The slave / slut, just to all the questions asked and the owner agrees to clearly and accurately answer. Slave / slut, any information you should know about the physical or emotional state as the owner agrees to transfer automatically. The owner accepts the misuse of such information.

13. Slave / whore, the slave owner / Is it possible to use tools and will accept vehicles on the bitch. Such tools will be the vehicle owner and the property.

14. Slave / bitch mistress to use while addressing _____________________________________________ words and to address the mistress always respect and accept the conversation. With slave / slave bitch when she did not want to talk / bitch agrees to remain silent. With slave / bitch wants may appeal as desired environment.

15. The owner desires that if the slave / slut, slave / prostitution to express the clothing and / or accessories (bracelets, collars, etc.) agrees to wear. Choose the clothes and accessories that have slave / bitch must wear as long as the owner wants or should wear. However, the slave / slut will wear clothes and only way to determine the owner.

16. The slave / slut, contrary to this agreement or leave the disgruntled mistress knows that punishment of any movement or behavior, and agrees. Slave / slut, penalties, and will respectfully accept lessons from punishment. Slave / any preparation will be necessary to punish the slave whore / bitch will be in accordance with the instructions by the owner. Slave / slut, penalties would choose to punish the owner, location, and to accept as necessary to enter. Slave / slut, if the owner does not comply with the instructions will be subject to more severe penalties and knows agrees. With slave / slut would under penalty of perjury and shall set forth the reasons for punishment during the pre or punishment. With slave / submissive bitch just to train him and a slave / slut punishment to get into, but agrees that the punishment for that angry or upset.

17. Slave / bitch, negotiate the terms and conditions of this contract and Sahibeyl not terminate this contract unilaterally. The provisions of this contract, a slave owner / geçerlidir.b long as there is with the prostitute, and that is all back together, ......................, in accordance with this agreement, Domina ... ..................... slave / I am aware of the consequences of being a bitch and I accept this result as a volunteer. ................. Slave with / to be a bitch and his slave / knowing the consequences of being a bitch and desiring to free the administration, after reading contracts out loud, I'm putting this in the following signature:

Place and date: ______________________________________________________
________________________________________ (slave / slut)

_________________________________________ (Goddes)

_________________________________________ (Witness, if applicable

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